Overton Photographic Club

Privacy Policy

Overton Photographic Club values everyone who engages with us by whatever means, and we do all we can to protect your privacy and to make sure the personal data you provide us is kept safe.

This policy explains how we collect data, how we use and store information and what it means for you. It also tells you about your rights.

It applies to you if you use our website, sign up for membership or events, request information from us or contact us with an enquiry using the forms on our website, by email or by leaflets at events. It also applies to you if we have a professional relationship or connection with you, such as through the photographic bodies PAGB, SCPF or as one of our suppliers or speakers.

Our website content and communications are directed to, and for use by, our members, prospective members and other Club contacts and interested parties in the United Kingdom.

Who we are

Overton Photographic Club is a membership group that encourages interest in the subject of photography. We are based in Overton, Hampshire in the United Kingdom.

Our Club room is located at: Overton Recreation Centre, Bridge Street Pavilion, Overton, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG25 3HD

Our contact details are set out under Contacting us (section 7).

We are run by a committee of officers and affiliated with the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF) and the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).

Under data protection laws, we are the data controller in relation to your personal information. This means we are responsible for deciding what information to collect about you and how it is used.

What are the data protection laws?

The Data Protection Act 1998 established rules for organisations holding personal information. More recently, the Data Protection Act 2018 modernises the DPA to make it fit for the digital age. As part of this, the 2018 Act applies the EU’s GDPR standards.

The Club holds personal information for the purpose of running the Club and its activities, and is committed to complying with the requirements of the above Act.

As a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation, a camera club is exempt from the requirement to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office, but is still subject to the basic requirements of the law.

GDPR requires the Club to publish a privacy policy – and review and document compliance with that policy.

The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 are separate from and additional to the data protection legislation. We ensure the Club will not make available membership data for electronic marketing and will refuse any request to cascade marketing material by electronic messages.

This privacy notice takes account of all of the rules pertaining to the UK laws, including GDPR. We will keep it under review – please see the Changes to this privacy notice (section 8).

For further information:
Overview of the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
Data Protection Act 2018
Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003

What is personal information?

Personal information broadly means any information about a living individual who can be identified from that information directly, or indirectly (for example if it is combined with other available information), such as a name, address, online ID, location data etc.

It can also refer to factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of an individual. The Club does not collect this type of personal information.

Personal data collected by the Club is restricted to relevant contact details, club meeting attendance details and consent for the specified use of members’ photographic images by the Club, the SCPF and the PAGB or submission for selection in external competitions.


We do not offer membership to children (persons under the age of 13). Our membership application forms do however, allow ‘under 18s’ with the support and consent of a parent/guardian whose details we will collect for reasons specified on the form.


  1. What personal information do we collect and how do we use it?
  2. What is the lawful basis for processing?
  3. Sharing your personal information with others
  4. How we protect your personal information
  5. How long we keep your personal information
  6. Your rights
  7. Contacting us
  8. Changes to this privacy notice

  1. What personal information do we collect and how do we use it?


Personal data shall be collected and processed for the sole purposes of:

  1. establishing or maintaining membership
  2. supporting the club, including consent for the use of members’ images on the OPC website by the club, the SCPF, the PAGB and in external competitions.
  3. providing or administering activities for either the members or those who have regular contact with the club.

No data shall be collected which is not required for these purposes and personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties except where it is required for these purposes or by law.

  • Membership. Personal data shall be collected and consent for its use obtained annually using a written membership enrolment form, or by electronic form on our website. These shall be retained by the Club Secretary. As a condition of Club membership, Members agree that the Club may contact them by email with information of various kinds related to Club activities. Personal contact details, including email addresses, shall be kept as personal records by the secretary and not disclosed to Club Members outside authorised members of the committee other than with their explicit consent. Members are informed that they have the right to withdraw their consent in writing at any time.
  • Club attendance and visitors. Member and visitor attendance data shall be collected in written form for safety and security reasons at each Club meeting. This data may be used in anonymised form to evaluate club activities.
  • Visitors to our website. We’ll collect the information you submit via our website when you contact us using one of our online forms, for example your name, email address and other contact details. These will ask for your consent to use your data so that we can respond to your enquiry or fulfil your membership (as required). We use cookies and other tracking technologies on our website to ensure its smooth running – please read our Cookie Policy to find out more.
  • Suppliers, speakers and associations. We’ll collect your contact details and information about your work or interests, where you disclose them, in order to organise Club lectures, demonstrations and other services as agreed to our membership.
  • Prospective members. We’ll collect information about the identity of prospective members via forms at events or on the website. This information will be collected with consent to contact you with information at your request.

We do not collect special categories of personal information (also known as “sensitive personal data”, which includes information about health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs and sexual life).

We do not use any form of automated decision-making (including profiling) which could have a negative impact on you.

  1. What is the lawful basis for processing?

In general, we do not require your consent to process your personal information because the processing is necessary:

  • in order to provide you with the information or services that you’ve requested, or
  • in order to respond to your enquiry, or
  • for our legitimate interests, which are to run an effective membership club

However you do have the right to object to how we process your personal information, or ask us to restrict processing.

If you object to or ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information, this won’t affect the lawfulness of the processing we’ve already carried out.

Please see Your rights (section 7) for more details.

  1. Sharing your personal information with others

Sometimes we need to share your personal information with others. We’ll only do this for the purposes explained in this privacy notice and we’ll take steps to ensure they keep the information secure and confidential and use it only for the agreed purposes.

We may share your personal information with the following:

  • with Committee officers for the purposes of providing information or services and developing our Club relationship with you,
  • official bodies where we are under regulatory or legal obligation to do so, or to protect our rights or property, or the safety of our people, so that we can meet our legal obligations.

We do not share your details with any third-parties for marketing purposes.

  1. How we protect your personal information

We employ up to date technologies and systems to protect your personal information from unauthorised disclosure, damage or misuse.

We ensure that our Committee understands regulations regarding information security and data protection. That personal information is not available or disclosed to unauthorised people, entities or processes. That it is stored using up to date, secure systems using passwords and two-factor authentications. And that it is kept in a neat and correct form for ease of accessibility when authorised users require it.

We regularly review all our systems, policies and technologies to ensure that these continue to work effectively to protect your personal information.

  1. How long we keep your personal information

We will keep your personal information for as long as we are using it for the purposes explained in this notice.

Once a membership has ceased, we will store the information on that individual securely in a lapsed member file. This will normally be done by the end of the season following the season in which the cessation of the relationship occurred.

Due to laws which require the holding of financial transactions for seven years, records must be stored for the required seven years.

During this time, lapsed members may be invited to re-join via email invitation not more than twice per year and may also be invited to any special events or reunion meetings. At seven years, the Club will consider there to be no further interest in the Club and will delete personal information relating to an individual other than where those records are considered as part of the Club’s history.

Historical information in the Club archives should be the minimum required to reflect a Member’s record at the Club e.g. name, dates of membership, positions held and photographic achievements.

  1. Your rights

You have a number of rights under data protection laws. These are:

  • to request access to your personal information,
  • to request that your personal information is corrected if it is out of date, inaccurate or incomplete,
  • to request that your personal information is deleted or removed from our records and systems,
  • to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

You also have the right:

  • to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information (where we need your consent to process your personal information),
  • to object to or restrict the processing of your personal information (where we don’t need your consent to process your personal information),
  • to obtain an electronic file of your personal information or have it transferred to another data controller in limited circumstances.

How do I exercise my rights?

If you would like to make a request to access or correct your personal information, or to exercise any of your other rights, you can contact us at any time using the details set out under Contacting us (section 8). We will respond to your request within one month from the day we receive it.

Please note that some of your rights are restricted, and apply only in certain circumstances. For example, we may refuse to delete your personal information whilst we need it for a valid purpose, including to defend any potential legal claims. We will set out in our response our reasons if we are unable to meet your request.

If you are dissatisfied with how your concern/complaint is dealt with by Overton Photographic Club, you have the right to report your concern/complaint to the Information Commissioners Office (www.ico.org.uk). The ICO will expect you to have tried to resolve the issue directly with us, so please contact us first.

  1. Contacting Us

You can contact us by email using the form on this website at www.overtonphoto.club/contact

You can also write to us at:

Club Secretary, Overton Photographic Club, c/o Overton Recreation Centre, Bridge Street Pavilion, Overton, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG25 3HD

If you have any queries about how we use your personal information, please contact the Club Secretary through any of the means above or by email at secretary@overtonphoto.club.

  1. Changes to this privacy notice

This privacy notice is current as at 05 September, 2023 and available to all visitors and Members via the Overton Photographic Website. The Club Secretary is the owner of this document and is responsible for making sure it is kept up to date and under review. We may make changes from time to time and you should regularly check for updates.


Last updated 05/09/2023

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