OPC on social media
Here is a run-down of OPC’s current social media pages and what each one is useful for.
Facebook – members’ group and public page

Our Facebook group can be found at facebook.com/groups/OvertonPhoto
This is a ‘Closed Group’ for members only. As such, this provides a place outside of Club evenings where we can all interact.
Please feel free to post in the Group, you don’t need any permission and anything goes. You can share an image for review by your fellow Members, ask questions, let us know us a great tutorial you’ve found… We’d love to have you contribute.
Our public-facing Facebook page can be found at facebook.com/OvertonPhoto
This is where we hope to attract new members with our updates on what is going on in the Club. General Club updates and events will be posted here along with the best and most relevant finds around the internet, such as news on software updates, hints and tips, and non-club photographic competitions.
While we haven’t updated much during the uncertain times of the pandemic, we hope to make this page more active soon.
Our Twitter name is @OvertonPhoto – you can find us here: www.twitter.com/OvertonPhoto

Imagine opening your front door and seeing everyone in the world standing there! That’s kind of what Twitter is like. When you send a tweet it could be read by anyone! As such, Twitter is a great place for finding new and interesting things.
The @OvertonPhoto page is a place you can go to find links to useful tutorials, competitions, interesting articles and other happenings in the photography industry. We curate and share the best information we can find from the vast Twittersphere.
Below is an image of the top of our Twitter page. Once you’ve found our Twitter feed, locate the icon with the three dots and click for a dropdown menu where you can choose ‘Lists’. Alternatively… here’s a quick link to the Lists.

We have made lists for many useful and interesting things to make it quick and easy for you to find photographic content. For example: want to know what the photography magazines are talking about? Check out the List on ‘Magazines and Websites’. Want to catch up with previous speakers, check out ‘Speakers‘, and so on. There are currently 16 Lists and we’ll keep adding to those.
When you click on a specific List you’ll see a feed of all the latest tweets from the Twitter feeds included on that List. Want to know who is on the List? Look at the List’s description box (top left) and click on ‘Members’.