Overton Photographic Club

OPC’s 40th Exhibition: Public Vote

At our recent Anniversary Exhibition, visitors were invited to cast a vote for their favourite image on display. We know that Chris Pope came out tops with his fab image, Tunnel Vision, but you might be wondering how the rest of us got on.

Well… it’s not scientific, but I’ve tried to make some sense of the data just to see what we can learn.

Popularity of Genre

Curating the images was a tricky task and many images would have sat well across more than one genre. Some genres also had many more images than others. Once all weighted and averaged out, the popularity of genres to our local audience came out as:

  1. Landscape
  2. Architecture
  3. Natural History
  4. Pictorial
  5. Birds
  6. Domestic Animals
  7. Marine
  8. Street
  9. Portrait
  10. Flowers
  11. Sport
  12. Creative
  13. Wet Prints
  14. Natural History Macro

Landscape and Architecture clearly stood out at the top followed by Natural History, Pictorial and Birds. Creative, Wet Prints and Natural History Macro were clear back-runners.

Top 10 Photographers

Of the 206 votes counted, our top ten scorers were:

  1. Chris Pope – 37
  2. Pauline Oliver – 29
  3. Virginia Langer – 15
  4. Allan Willis – 13
  5. Damian Morris – 13
  6. Philip Young – 11
  7. Ken West – 9
  8. John Hodge – 9
  9. Tony Coombes – 8
  10. Brian Chivers – 8

Most Voted Picture By Photographer

Where there was a stand-out winner only one title is mentioned. When the top image was a tie, both/all images are mentioned. (Listed alphabetically by surname.)

  • Audrey Bradshaw – Fountains Abbey 3
  • Don Bradshaw – What’s Over The Wall
  • Brian Chivers – Snowy Barns
  • Tony Coombes – Stripes
  • Allan Croombs – A View to Ponder/Apache Sunset
  • Christine Gibson – Drive in the Country
  • Stan Gibson – All Aboard
  • Amanda Hepburn – Levisham Station/Wavy Street, Tenby
  • John Hodge – Mosque Collonade/Tied Up in Donegal/Osprey Stare
  • Jason Hyde  – Cutter on the Solent
  • David Isaacs – Bluebell Wood
  • Virginia Langer – Liverpool Library/Tree Frog
  • Damian Morris – Hop Skip Jump
  • Pauline Oliver – Making a Splash
  • Mike Payne – Autumn Pallette
  • Chris Pope – Tunnel Vision
  • Angela Ramsell – Flying Forth/Tulip
  • Ian Robertson – Fisherman on Inle Lake
  • Dave Tanner – Leopard Investigating
  • Sue Teagle – Heleniums 2017/Winchester Guildhall
  • Ken West – Juvenile Grebe Hitching a Ride/Will You Be My Valentine?/Barn Owl in Flight
  • Archie Williams – Bullfinch on Dandelion Sequence
  • Steve Williams – Grey Wagtail
  • Allan Willis – Kingfisher Beer
  • Marina Woodward – Cryptic contemplation
  • Philip Young – Sunset over Kimmeridge Bay/Blue Tit/Goldfinch
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