Overton Scarecrow Festival Weekend

Scarecrow festival time is one of the highlights of the Overton calendar. As the village fills with people and animals stuffed with straw you are reminded once more of the creativity and sense of humour of those all around you. Overton’s very own whacky races Friday 15th saw the wheelbarrow race make its way through […]
40th Anniversary Exhibition Summary

Once upon a time… in the late summer of 1977… a group of enthusiasts – including current OPC member, David Isaacs – met at the Overton Community Centre at the very first Overton camera club meeting. Fast forward to our 2017/18 season and all of a sudden we’re celebrating our 40th anniversary! Welcome to our 40th anniversary […]
Exhibition Spotlight: Alan and his Kingfishers

On Sunday evening 27th May, during our 40th Anniversary Exhibition weekend, Alan Willis took centre stage at the Overton Community Centre to give one of his popular talk and slideshows on kingfishers. For ten years, photographer and videographer Alan Willis has been studying the kingfishers that make their homes along Hampshire’s riverbanks. A member of Overton […]
OPC’s 40th Exhibition: Public Vote

At our recent Anniversary Exhibition, visitors were invited to cast a vote for their favourite image on display. We know that Chris Pope came out tops with his fab image, Tunnel Vision, but you might be wondering how the rest of us got on. Well… it’s not scientific, but I’ve tried to make some sense of […]
Exhibition: Print Submissions

((Please note: The links in this post no longer function. This post is kept for reference only.)) All members are encouraged to take part in our public exhibition this May over the 26–28th bank-holiday weekend at the Overton Community Centre. You are invited to select up to ten images – preferably in 40 x 50cm […]
Sheepfair Exhibition 2016

Sheepfair Exhibition 2016