The OPC Thunderball

Every OPC meeting, you’ll see Steve walking around with pen and paper…
So what’s he up to?! He’s working hard to raise funds for the Club by seeking shiny one-pound coins for our version of the National Lottery’s Thunderball.
Give Steve a pound and if you’re lucky that week, you could turn it in to £10! The Club gets the rest. Everyone’s a winner – WOO HOO!
Here’s how it works:
- On Club night, find Steve before he finds you!
- Hand over your pound(s) and pick your number(s). There are 14 numbers to choose from at £1 per number.
- We wait until the National Lottery draw on Saturday.
- If yours is the Thunderball selected on that Saturday’s draw, you’ll win £10 and the Club will get the remaining £4 (assuming all numbers were sold).
- If you’re the winner, the following week – or the next time you’re at Club – you’ll receive your £10!
- Steve hands the remaining money to our Treasurer to put in the Club coffers.
In the unlikely event that no one selects the winning Thunderball number – which has never happened yet – all the money will go to the Club (we’re a super long way away from the c. £5,000 we need for a new projector).
So, at the next Club meeting, why not seek Steve out and give it a whirl.
P. S. It’s always easier if you have coins rather than notes – many thanks for that.