Overton Photographic Club

There’s a new sheriff in town

In our meeting on January 22nd, we welcomed our new Chairman, Stan Gibson.

Our new ‘sheriff’ would almost certainly have trotted in in style had we been meeting up in person, but alas, on the sofa over Zoom it was to be.

A member of the Club for the past five years – and a current member of the committee – Stan has taken the reins from Allan Croombs who had served us well for four years.

A great believer in ‘giving back’, Stan tells us that this is his time to give back to the Club that he has enjoyed so immensely. 

“I can’t wait to get down to business of helping the Club celebrate photography in all the ways that our Members choose. I want those who want to explore RPS and PAGB awards to be encouraged to do so and those with no desire for awards to come along on their own journey, improving their photography in the way they want to.”

Although Stan begins his tenure in these uncertain COVID times, he sees the challenges as a great opportunity.

“Zoom has become a lifeline for our Club. Doing things digitally has brought us  new members, new speakers and new skills – all of which present tremendous opportunities for us.

“I hope we can build on these opportunities to develop the Club in to something all of us enjoy taking part in week after week for a long time to come. In short, I would like all our Members to love this Club as much as I do!”

Stan’s warmness and appreciation of his fellow Club Members is well known and we look forward to seeing what excitements he has up his sleeves – or under his Santa cloak!

In his first week, Stan stepped straight in to action with his first duty, signing a pledge on behalf of the Club in support of Overton Community’s plastic-free campaign.

Stan stands holding the signed, Plastic Free Pledge certificate from Surfers Against Sewage.
Stan dressed as Santa with his grandchildren.
Our very own Santa, Stan!
Stan winning! In the seat of a Morgan at OPC’s 40th Anniversary Exhibition.
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