2020/21 League: Round One
Friday, 9th October, heralded in Round One of the League in the 2020/21 Season. This round was judged by Roy Lambeth DPAGB, AFIAP, BPE2 via Zoom.
Read on for a summary of the night by our very own Tony Coombes.
As promised by Club Competition Secretary, David Isaacs, Round One of the League was a cracker. We had 66 entries in the two categories (General and Advanced) and the standard in both – especially the General Class – was excellent.
John Hodge was top scorer of the evening with a total of 27.5 out of a possible 30 for his three images with “Derelict” being awarded a ten. My garage looks a bit like this too, but I’ve never been able get an image that good from it.
Joint second place on the evening went to Allan Croombs and Nigel Bealey just half a point behind John. Nigel’s Intentional Camera Movement image of bluebell woods scored a ten as did the dramatic coastline of New Zealand in Allan’s “Savage Coast”.
The other ten in the advanced class was awarded to a picture of some bloke’s daughter looking at a whale shark. [AKA Tony Coombes]
Goodness knows what Steve Williams has been eating to get his reflexes fast enough to catch both a swallow in flight and also a bat, but I intend to find out.
It was great to see a good turn out in the General Class and the judge commented on the quality of the images. He was pretty straight talking with his critiques, so that compliment is well earned.
Richard Gibson was the top scorer on the evening in the General Class, scoring 25.5 points – as did his dad in the Advanced section. Richard’s “Lines And Curves” did, however, get awarded a ten so bragging rights go to the son on a tie break, I reckon.
Dave Tanner earned second place on the evening with his Antietam Bronze scoring a nine. Welcome also to Claire and Freddie who posted their first entries in the Club Competitions with some really nice images, both coming in just a point behind Dave.
All in all, this observer thinks it was a fabulous start to the season and thanks to all who entered and all who joined the zoom session.